Tag Archives: Mortgage broker. Exit Realty South

Where to get a mortgage in Charlotte NC. From one of the best lenders in Charlotte NC.

Where to get a mortgage in Charlotte NC

 As a Charlotte NC Realtor I try to stay inform about the mortgage world in Charlotte NC. I recently read a      great article from one of my prefer mortgage lenders in Charlotte NC.  He explains the different places were you can get a mortgage loan from and why or why not it may be the best place for you… It is important for consumer, buyers,  to know this, since this is portably the biggest investment of your life, you need to make sure you have the right professionals working for you…

Fined a great Lender and a great Realtor, preferably if they have a good working relationship with each other… This will help the transaction be smoother and less stress for you… Charlotte NC is one of the top Cities to buy and invest in real estate… 

To read more about “Where to get a mortgage in Charlotte NC” visit Olan Carder Charlotte loan officer blog…





John Paul Soto      

John Paul Soto

 John Paul Soto choose to work in Charlotte, NC real estate because he genuinely enjoy working with people, and believe it is an industry that rewards dedication and personal initiative. He also want to give back to his community, and he is currently employed as a firefighter for the Charlotte Fire Department.

John Paul Soto was born and raised in Guatemala, and moved to Charlotte in 2002 to attend college. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management, and will continue to make his home in Charlotte, NC after graduation.

He takes great pride in his accomplishments and hope to continue to build a successful track record helping other people achieve theirs. He is now part of  “The Soto and Ferreira Group” on of Charlotte’s NC best Real Estate Groups. 


John Paul