What I love about Charlotte NC, 10 Reasons why to choose Charlotte NC….

What I love about Charlotte NC, 10 Reasons why to choose Charlotte NC….


There are thousands of things that I could tell you about Charlotte NC and it’s surrounding areas but I will leave it to 5 simple reasons for now, next blog I will provide you with 5 more…and in future blogs I would talk more in depth about each reason and more about Charlotte surrounding areas… hoping to provide to you more information, and paint a better picture about Charlotte NC…

Reason # 1: The Weather in Charlotte NC…

I come from Guatemala in Central America. Guatemala is known as “The Country of Eternal Spring” so needless to say I don’t like extreme cold or extreme heat. That’s why Charlotte is such a perfect place if you are like me. Charlotte has all four seasons with no extreme cold and no extreme heat. 

Reason # 2: Location, location, location…

– Charlotte is 2 hrs from the mountains and from the beautiful Blue Ridge Parkway.

– Charlotte is 3 hrs from the beach. Charleston SCMyrtle Beach and others…

– Charlotte is 4 hrs from Atlanta Georgia.

Reason # 3: The Charlotte NC Food!!! 

– If Charlotte NC is known for something, it’s food! Restaurants are everywhere but if you are in the area you have got to go to two places for sure!

1. Price’s Chicken Coop. The best fried chicken you will ever try! 

2. Bar -B-Q King. The best BBQ you will ever try! 

Reason # 4: Charlotte’s Up-Town

Charlotte’s Up-town is beautiful, clean and safe. With the new EpiCenter, Charlotte’s up-town is complete. We have tons of restaurants, bars, night clubs, coffee shops, ice-cream shops, movie theaters, theaters, bowling alleys, Charlotte Bobcats StadiumCharlotte Panthers Stadium, and much, much more… 

Reason # 5:  Charlotte NC Real Estate

Charlotte was named the Best City to live in according to Relocate-America.com’s annual list.

Charlotte’s diversity of housing options and home affordability are great reasons to choose this city. Charlotte NC Real Estate has a strong economy, boosted largely by the banking industry.

I will give you 5 more reasons in my next blog.. until then.. take care…


John Paul Soto

John Paul Soto

 John Paul Soto choose to work in Charlotte NC real estate because he genuinely enjoy working with people, and believe it is an industry that rewards dedication and personal initiative. He also want to give back to his community, and he is currently employed as a firefighter for the Charlotte Fire Department.

John Paul Soto was born and raised in Guatemala, and moved to Charlotte in 2002 to attend college. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management, and will continue to make his home in Charlotte NC after graduation.

He takes great pride in his accomplishments and hope to continue to build a successful track record helping other people achieve theirs.

2 responses to “What I love about Charlotte NC, 10 Reasons why to choose Charlotte NC….

  1. Pingback: Five more reasons why I love Charlotte NC… « The Soto & Ferreira - Real Estate Blog

  2. That is a good list. My favorite thing about Charlotte is what you mentioned above: close to the beach and equally close to the mountains. That is awesome and something I cherish.

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